Freefly Swimming

Freefly: A New Swimming Technique

Freefly was born from a childhood inspiration and evolved into a unique swimming technique. Here is my journey and how I developed this innovative method.

It all started when I was a child. I remembered a swimmer nicknamed "Hulk" who used to cross the bay where I grew up, a distance of about one kilometer, with a monofin. For my friends and me, this performance seemed incredible and left a lasting impression.

Years later, I started swimming seriously again, gradually increasing my distances. What began as one kilometer quickly turned into two, then four, six, and so on. About a year ago, in 2023, the story of the monofin came back to me. Inspired, I decided to buy a monofin and began training at Leman Lake, near my workplace.

Over time, I extended my distances, reaching impressive milestones of seven, eight, and even ten kilometers, the equivalent of a marathon. But I didn't stop there. I kept pushing my limits, swimming twelve, thirteen, then fifteen kilometers, until I achieved an incredible personal record of seventeen and a half kilometers. 

During these long swimming sessions (usually around 5 hours), I developed a new technique that I call Freefly. This technique is an intermediate between freestyle and butterfly, allowing an alternating use of the arms and legs with the monofin. Freefly is less tiring than butterfly and freestyle because the arms and legs take turns, providing rest periods between each movement. This makes the swimming more efficient and allows covering longer distances without excessive fatigue.

I continue to perfect Freefly and share this unique technique with those looking to improve their swimming endurance while minimizing fatigue. My journey shows how a childhood inspiration can lead to the creation of an innovative method, proving that passion and perseverance can give rise to new possibilities in sports.