Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Talk at EPFL - Visual Computing Seminar

Super excited to visit Wenzel Jacob and give the following talk in the context of the Visual Computing Seminars.

Blue Brain Brayns, A platform for high fidelity large-scale and interactive visualization of scientific data and brain structures

The Blue Brain Project has made major efforts to create morphologically accurate neurons to simulate sub-cellular and electrical activities, for example, molecular simulations of neuron biochemistry or multi-scale simulations of neuronal function.

One of the keys towards understanding how the brain works as a whole, is visualization of how the individual cells function. In particular, the more morphologically accurate the visualization can be, the easier it is for experts in the biological field to validate cell structures; photo-realistic rendering is therefore important. Brayns is a visualization platform that can interactively perform high-quality and high-fidelity rendering of neuroscience large data sets. Thanks to its client/server architecture, Brayns can be run in the cloud as well as on a supercomputer, and stream the rendering to any browser, either in a web UI or a Jupyter notebook.

At the Blue Brain project, the Visualization team makes intensive use of Blue Brain Brayns to produce ultra-high resolution movies (8K) and high-fidelity images for scientific publications. Brayns is also used to serve immersive visualization on the large displays, as well as unique devices such as the curved OpenDeck located at the Blue Brain office.

Brayns is also designed to accelerate scientific visualization, and to adapt to the large number of environments. Thanks to its modular architecture, Brayns makes it easy to use various rendering back-ends such as Intel's OSPRay (CPU) or NVIDIA's OptiX for example. Every scientific use-case such as DICOM, DTI, Blue Brain research, etc, is a standalone plug-in that runs on top of Brayns, allowing scientists and researchers to benefit from a high performance/fidelity/quality rendering system, without having to deal with the technical complexity of it.

Brayns currently implements a number of basic primitives such as meshes, volumes, point clouds, parametric geometries, and pioneers new rendering modalities for scientific visualization, like signed distance fields.

During this talk, I will explain the motivations behind the creation of the Brayns platform, give some technical insight about the architecture of the system and the various techniques that we already use to render datasets. I will also describe how new datasets, as well as rendering components (engines, shaders, materials, etc), can be added to the platform.


Friday, August 10, 2018

DICOM Photorealistic and interactive visualization

Just created an initial version of a DICOM plugin for Brayns, in 4 hours... :)

Source code is there:


And you'll need the latest version of Brayns to make it work. Follow the readme instructions provided on the github page of the plugin and start enjoying cool visualization of your DICOM datasets.

This is of course work in progress, but if you keep an eye on the github repo, you will soon be able to visualize more.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

The music of neurons

Music generated from approximate brain simulation data... Just for the fun of it :)

Data is generated using Neuron and CoreNeuron:


With the help of this tutorial:


Once the tutorial is successfully completed, the following file is used to produce the music:


This file contains the timestamp of each spike. This is translated into a MIDI file using the mido library.


Fractals love in high resolution

After all these years, still in love with fractals. Those ones are rendered with Brayns, on a 40MPixel curved display. Source code is here:


Thursday, April 5, 2018

Menger Sponge in Brayns

Based on the very cool shader toy from Inigo Quilez, I ported the code to ISPC and exploited the vertorized units of the CPU to render the Menger sponge in real time:

As usual, the code is there:


More information on ray-marching and distance functions can be found on Inigo's website

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Contours and wireframe in ray-tracing

I created this simple shader that attempts to draw geometry contours using ray-tracing. The idea is to send extra rays, parallel to the camera ray, and translate according to the normal of the intersected surface. If the parallel ray hits the same geometry, it's not a contour.

That somehow seems to work, but that still needs a bit of refinement.

The code is in the ContoursRenderer:


And can be easily used with the Brayns viewer, with the following command line arguments:

braynsViewer --module cartoon --renderer contours

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Transfer function editor in Jupyter Notebook

Just created a Jupyter Notebook widget for volume rendering with Brayns. Also improved the volume rendering module for better performance and image quality.

Install it with:

pip install ipyTransferFunction

The code sources are:
Transfer Function: https://github.com/favreau/ipyTransferFunction
Brayns: https://github.com/BlueBrain/Brayns
Volume rendering module: https://github.com/favreau/brayns-research-module

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Sharing my experimental modules (plugins) for Brayns

I created this Github repository to share my experiments with Brayns. It's all about shaders, volume rendering, custom cameras, etc.


Feel free to download, try, contribute, star the repo, etc :) Hope this will be helpful to anyone willing to enjoy ray-tracing based computer graphics.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Advanced interactive volume rendering

Realtime volume rendering using:
  • Phong and blinn shading. The normal is defined by a vector going from the voxel position to the barycenter of the surrounding voxels, weighted by opacity. I got the idea in the middle of the night, thanks to a strong winter storm that prevented me from getting a good rest, but that seems to work ok :-)
  • Soft and hard shadows 

 Source code: https://github.com/favreau/Brayns/tree/aidenoiser

Demo running on Quadro K6000 NVIDIA GPU (960x540 pixels)

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Brayns is rendering everything, everywhere!

Thanks to Docker, Brayns is now available on any platform (Windows, Mac and Linux), in a couple of clicks only:

First download and start the Brayns renderer:
docker pull bluebrain/brayns
docker run -ti --rm -p 8200:8200 bluebrain/brayns

Then download the corresponding web UI:
docker pull bluebrain/sauron
docker run -ti --rm -p 8080:8080 bluebrain/sauron

And connect to the UI using the following address:

That's it, you're done! Enjoy, and crontribute! :-)

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Happy new year 2018!

For most people, it is a stretch of the imagination to understand the world in four dimensions but a new study has discovered structures in the brain with up to eleven dimensions -- ground-breaking work that is beginning to reveal the brain's deepest architectural secrets.
