Thursday, October 26, 2023

Interactive visualization of the Fusion Reactor Tokamak plasma

In my dedicated efforts to advance nuclear fusion, I embarked on a journey to translate conceptual ideas into tangible actions. This mission commenced with the creation of a test dataset, meticulously crafted with insights derived from engaging discussions within our team. To expedite the visualization and exploration of this data, I turned to the remarkable open-source application known as BioExplorer.

BioExplorer, originally developed for biological datasets, proved to be an invaluable asset in our venture. While its roots lay in the realm of biology, its adaptability and versatility allowed it to seamlessly integrate with our nuclear fusion research. This application, once primarily designed for biological data, had evolved to accommodate and process a wide range of scientific datasets, transcending its initial domain.

In the context of nuclear fusion, the core challenge lies in modeling the behavior of superheated plasma, the fuel for this revolutionary energy source. To visually represent this complex phenomenon, I envisioned the plasma as an array of particles, with each particle intricately characterized by its position and direction. The direction vector of each particle not only represented its position but also served as a direct indicator of the particle's charge, a crucial factor in the fusion reaction.

Efficiency was paramount in this ambitious undertaking, and BioExplorer played a pivotal role. This open-source application, known for its adaptability, provided a user-friendly platform to visually explore and analyze the scientific datasets, irrespective of their origin. It allowed us to gain valuable insights and a deeper understanding of the plasma's behavior, further propelling our research forward.

To ensure real-time visualization of the plasma's behavior, I harnessed the formidable processing power of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). These GPUs were thoughtfully optimized with a tree-based acceleration structure, making them an ideal choice for handling the intricate calculations required for real-time visual representation of the plasma's behavior.

Perhaps the most astonishing aspect of this project was its efficiency. What might seem like a Herculean task was accomplished in no more than two days of relentless work. This achievement not only underscores the power of modern computational tools but also highlights the immense potential of nuclear fusion as a clean and virtually limitless energy source, hinting at a future where our energy needs may be met sustainably and efficiently, with the invaluable assistance of open-source applications like the versatile and adaptable BioExplorer.

Check out the BioExplorer source code and the Python Jupyter Notebook used to create the image above.