Friday, June 28, 2024

AI: My very own personal GPT

I'm thrilled to introduce a groundbreaking addition to my professional profile: my very own personal GPT!

This advanced AI can interactively provide insights about my skills, projects, and experiences, making it easier than ever to get to know my professional background and what I bring to the table. It's like having a dynamic, real-time CV that you can engage with directly.

Whether you're a recruiter, a potential collaborator, or just curious, you can explore my personal GPT.

I'm excited about the potential of AI to transform the way we present ourselves and connect with opportunities. This is just one example of how technology can be leveraged to make our professional lives more efficient and engaging.

Let's embrace innovation together! And have fun chatting with my virtual self (I hope I trained it well!), and if you decide to use the conversational mode, remember this is not my real voice!

Cyrille (the real one)


Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Campus BioTech: Life Sciences Café+Croissant before the summer

I had an absolute blast talking about the future of AI-powered scientific visualization. Can't wait to fully immerse ourselves in this thrilling new era of scientific communication!


More information here.

Friday, June 21, 2024

BATbern53 - Storage vs Compute

I had an incredible time presenting the challenges of rendering highly detailed large models using the techniques I've developed over the past decade at Blue Brain.

A big thanks to all the attendees and for the fantastic discussions!


Scientific exploration has increasingly shifted from traditional storage-centric approaches to compute-centric methods, leveraging advanced software for data integration, analysis, and interactive visualization of vast scientific datasets.


To address this need, Blue Brain developed and open-sourced Blue Brain Brayns, a technical platform for the visualization of in-silico datasets, which later gave birth to the Blue Brain BioExplorer.

Initially created to tackle key scientific questions related to the Coronavirus and to deliver a powerful visualization tool, the BioExplorer now excels in reconstructing, visualizing, exploring, and detailing the structure and function of biological systems, from molecular systems up to the full brain.

In this highly visual presentation, I will demonstrate how I architected and built the application that EPFL's Blue Brain Project utilizes to generate high-quality, high-fidelity images and movies, along with interactive and immersive experiences of the digital reconstruction of the rodent brain. By prioritizing computational efficiency over traditional storage, we enable real-time manipulation and exploration of large datasets.





Additionally, I will present a few examples of how AI is a game changer, solving problems that were almost impossible to solve with classic techniques. These examples will highlight the transformative impact of AI in enhancing image quality, speeding up data processing, and uncovering new scientific insights that were previously beyond our reach 



More information about BATbern53 :

Friday, June 7, 2024

AI: Unleashing Generative AI for Stunning Scientific Visualizations! Part 3

I'm super excited to share that I've created a new tool to make your experience with the Blue Brain BioExplorer a whole lot easier: the GPT Python Code Assistant. This nifty assistant uses OpenAI's GPT-4 to give you a smooth, intuitive way to interact with the BioExplorer platform, so you won't need to dive into the documentation anymore.

With this assistant, you can just chat with the GPT in plain language to get the help you need. Whether you're a seasoned researcher or a newcomer, this tool is here to make your workflow more efficient and enjoyable.

The GPT Python Code Assistant comes packed with awesome features. You can interact with it in natural language, so instead of sifting through documentation, you just ask your questions and get clear, concise answers and code snippets tailored to what you need. If you run into coding issues, the assistant can help you debug, optimize, and write Python code specific to the Blue Brain BioExplorer. Plus, it's continuously updated with new features, fixes, and improvements, so you always have the latest info and capabilities at your fingertips. It's designed to be user-friendly, offering an intuitive interface that lets you get help without disrupting your workflow.

Creating the GPT Python Code Assistant is a big step forward in making complex data exploration and analysis more accessible. I'm excited to share this with you and can't wait to see how it enhances your experience with the Blue Brain BioExplorer.

Stay tuned for more updates as we keep improving and expanding the GPT assistant. Happy exploring!